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1. Business Insurance

This course's purpose is to educate the insurance professional in the business insurance market. This guide will explain the various types of business arrangements and how life insurance fits in to solve many of the business person's problems and concerns for the future.

This course deals with qualified and non-qualified pension plans for your clients. It talks about sole proprietorships, partnerships and corporations. Key person insurance, deferred compensation and executive bonus are discussed. Split dollar is delved into as well as group life insurance and group health.

2. Insurance Laws and Ethics - Not approved in Florida

This course is designed to acquaint the insurance agent, both property/casualty and life/health agents, with the laws and ethics which govern the insurance industry.

We discuss who regulates the industry and what is regulated. We then discuss the laws pertaining to you the agent, the policyholder and the company. A section is devoted to the laws pertaining to tax code. The final section deals with ethics.

3. Today's Annuities

This course goes into great detail about annuities. It describes all the annuities available in today's marketplace. It discusses classification of annuities. It also discusses advantages as well as disadvantages of annuities as opposed to life insurance. Finally, the taxation of annuities is discussed.

4. Model Illustration Regulation

This course educates the insurance agent about the new Life Insurance Illustration regulation, which was adopted by the NAIC on December 4, 1995, and takes effect in some states on January 1, 1997. This model regulation is going to significantly change the way the agent presents illustrations to his/hers clients. The course deals with rules of the regulation and the ramifications it has for agents and their companies. General ethical principles are also discussed.

5. Long-Term Care Insurance - ClearCert Approved

This course educates the agent on Long-Term Care Insurance. It deals with federal programs that do not adequately provide for long term care cases, ( Medicare, Medicaid .) LTC is discussed in detail concerning, policy provisions, care levels, benefit triggers, underwriting and conversion coverage's. This course includes the NAIC, LTC Model Act, so the agent knows legislatively what is legal with regard to Long-Term Care.

6. Current Life Concepts and Products - Not Approved in Florida

This study guide picks up where your original licensing course leaves off. It goes into more detail concerning the industry today. It discusses the new products, which are being sold in today's marketplace.

This course deals with a thorough discussion of all settlement options available as well as the complex nature of designating a beneficiary. Provisions protecting yourself, your client and your company are explored, as well as the provisions regarding surplus/excess interest distribution. This course is an excellent review, with emphasis on the new innovative type products available today.

7. Property Casualty Insurance Laws and Ethics - Florida Agents Only

This course educates the property casualty agent, with laws and ethics which govern the industry. We discuss who regulates the industry and what is regulated. A section is devoted to the laws pertaining to the tax code. The final section deals with ethics.

8. Florida Insurance Rules and Regulations - Florida Agents Only

This course educates the agent on current rules and regulations that govern the insurance industry in the State of Florida. The two-hour course updates the agent on the latest legislative changes in the insurance business. Florida Rules and Regulations are not required by the State of Florida but the course receives 2 credits and counts as ordinary credits.

9. Life and Health Insurance Laws and Ethics - Florida Agents Only

This course educates the agent on both state and federal regulations, laws pertaining to the agent, policyholder, and insurance companies. It deals with tax laws regarding: constructive receipt, transfer for value, sole proprietorship, partnerships, key man, annuities, and estate planning. The course includes general ethical principles for life agents and information on IMSA, Insuarnce Marketplace Standards Association and its Six Principles of Ethical Market Conduct.

10. Personal Auto Insurance

This course educates the agent on everything they need to know about Personal Auto Insurance. Each section of the Personal Auto Policy is included for review. Each section of the PAP is reviewed with regard to definitions, insuring agreements, limit of liability and exclusions. No-fault insurance is examined as well as uninsured motorist's coverage. Numerous endorsements are included covering everything from antique cars to foreign travel.

11. Health Insurance Laws and Ethics

This course is designed to acquaint the life and health agent with the laws and ethics which govern the insurance industry.

We discuss who regulates the industry and what is regulated, The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is covered along with the NAIC Long-Term Care Insuarnce Model Act.

12. Managed Health Care

This course deals with the latest trends, products and concepts in managed health care and group health plans. Key issues include the causes of skyrocketing medical costs medical costs and shows how managed care addresses the problem. Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), Independent Practice Associations (IPAs) and Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) are all discussed in detail.

13. Commercial Property & Casualty Insurance

This course covers the basic commercial package policy. General liability insurance along with business continuation planning and business income loss exposure is discussed. The following topics are also discussed; commercial crime, commercial boiler and machinery, ocean marine, farm, ranch, and crop. Finally, business owners insurance and umbrella liability insurance are covered.

14. Variable Products

This course discusses variable life insurance, variable second-to-die, adjustable life insurance. It takes about variable universal life insurance as well as the variable annuity portfolio.

15. Unauthorized Entities - Florida Agents Only

This course discusses the sale of unlicensed or unauthorized companies marketing Insurance products in the State of Florida. This course explains how these companies commit fraud in selling these unlicensed and unauthorized products. The course details legal problems for agents who market these products, such as jail time and financial penalties.

16. Florida Ethics - Florida Agents Only

This course satisfies the new three hour Florida ethics requirement. It deals with the ethical practices which should be a part of every agent's business practices. It discusses the agent's responsibilities to his/her clients and to his/her company.

17. Long Term Care Partnership Plans - ClearCert Approved

This course satisfies the 4 hours/credits needed for NAIC follow-up continuing education requirements needed every two years. This course delves into the relationship between qualified state LTC Partnership programs and other public and private coverage of long-term services providers. It deals with changes and improvements in long-term care services. It explains the effect of inflation and the importance of inflation protection along with consumer suitability standards and guidelines.

18. Identity Theft

This course discusses types of identity theft which are happening daily in every state and nation. The course explains types of identity theft which perpetrators use to obtain either personal or business information for fraudulent proposes. The course explains laws and regulations against identity theft and awareness in preventing identity theft. Agents will be able to establish a professional role in fighting identity theft for their clients and personal protection.

19. Meeting the Insurance Needs of the Senior

This course covers the Suitability of Annuities and Life Insurance Transactions for Seniors. The course discusses new legislation governing the sale of annuities to seniors. Students will obtain information concerning the duties of the insurers and you, the licensed agent. Agents will have information concerning ethics, consumer bill of rights and the agent's fiduciary responsibility to their clients and potential prospects for annuity sales.

20. Senior Suitability of Annuities and Life Insurance - Florida Agents Only
Suitability of Annuities and Life Insurance Transaction for Seniors - Florida Agents Only

These two courses satisfy the Senior Suitability requirement for Florida agents. They deal with the regulations necessary to prevent seniors from purchasing annuities and life insurance that is not suited for them.

21. Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act - Florida Agents Only

This course discusses the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act. It includes: the Health Insurance Exchange Plans, the timeline for implementation, the impact the law will have on the insurance industry, health care providers, employers and individuals. Annual and life time benefit laws are discussed.

Some courses are not approved in all state's and please call 800-639-4056 to verify.

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